Sunday, August 21, 2011

Away I Go!!

Hola Amigos!

I'm ambitiously starting this blog as a way to keep you all informed of my adventures as I move to Costa Rica and begin the next phase of my life there.This will be a work in progress, but I am going to try to keep it current.

 I've put a calendar at the bottom of the page. This will hold all of my travel out of town dates, visitor dates, and general unavailability. If you want to come visit, just pick a free week and let me know!

My flight to San Jose leaves on Sunday, August 28th at 11:30 am out of Charlotte.  I'll see you soon!



  1. Good luck, Amber! Have fun, and do everything that we all would want to do there! :D I can't wait to hear about everything you experience!

  2. Please post a video or pic of your new apartment soon!! <3 you!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I am sorry I missed your first car buying experience...especially since it was in another country. You've come a long way from the little girl in pig tails and red boots. We were fishing and riding buddies. I miss that. I am proud of what you are doing and will continue to follow your worldwide adventures. Know that I am always here for you. Love you!


My Schedule of Visitors and Trips