Friday, January 20, 2012

Feliz Año Nuevo

Happy New Year!

I apologize for the 4 week break from the blog. I spent 2 weeks in NC, came back to Costa Rica for 4 days, and then took off to Chile for a week. (See next post about Chile.) So, I've been busy girl!

I really enjoyed my time in NC over the holidays. It was great to spend time with my family and friends and not be rushed trying to catch up with everyone. However, at the end of my time there I was ready to get back to "normalcy" in Costa Rica. So, that tells me that I am really settling in and getting used to my life here. And I guess that is the point: I have a life here. I have my job, my routines, and some really great friends. So, at the end of the day, I guess it is a nice feeling to know that I've adjusted.

Now, a note on the blog. Over the holidays I had many people say things like "I was reading your blog, but I stopped checking it because you never update it." Okay people, I just need you to simmer down!! Writing a blog is time consuming, yes. But also, I dont do things that I think you would care to read about every day! Sometimes, I wake up, I go to work, I come home, I go to sleep. So, unless you want me to start blogging about that, then I need you to be patient. :) Of course, I totally appreciate everyone who reads the blog. It is great to know that you are out there somewhere reading about my wacky adventures. And, if you get tired of checking the site every day, just sign up for the email updates. You'll get an email each time I post something new - handy, right?

So, again, thank you for reading! I promise to keep updating this with the things that I experience in 2012.


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