Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Correo Postal

I REALLY miss getting mail. Even junk mail would make me happy these days. The postal system here does work...most of the time...However, I don't actually have an address. And packages are most likely to get stuck in customs which requires a day long trip to the customs house, some begging, and usually paying a hefty fine in taxes for whatever exciting items were sent to you. It's disappointing.

Being in a foreign country sometimes feels like being at camp. You are away from your close friends and family and hearing from them out of the blue can really lift your spirits. And yes, there is email, skype, and even regular ol' phone calls nowadays. But there is just something about getting a written note in the mail...

So, I am sending out an all-call for mail from you. I can't promise it will all reach me, but it would make me so happy to even just hear the mundane details about your day. My friend Mary Kathryn has managed to get me her holiday cards and even her change of address card! They just show up! So, hopefully, if anyone tries to send me anything, it will make it too! Also, I promise to write everyone back - so that you can receive mail all the way from Costa Rica! (Thanks Byron and Mary Beth for the great stationary kit that I have yet to put to good use!) I feel like my Spanish is good enough now to venture out to the post office when needed - so bring it on!!!

Even though I don't really have a home address, I can get items at my office address:

Amber Featherstone
Oficentro Ejecutivo La Sabana
Torre 6, Piso 4, Oficina 13
Sabana Sur, San Jose
Costa Rica

Again, whilst nothing would make me more happy than weekly shipments of Diet Sundrop, please don't send packages. Letters or cards are best! Also, I dont think you need much extra postage. For letters or light cards, just slap an extra stamp on there for good measure and hopefully it will make it!

Thanks in advance for brightening my day soon! :)


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