Friday, November 11, 2011

La Gripe

I have arrived safely back to my home away from home in Costa Rica. The trip was long, but no real bumps along the way. Everything was just as I left it in my apartment and all of my luggage arrived with me. So, all in all, I call it a success.

Unfortunately, the US left me with a parting gift - la gripe (pronounced gree pay)!! In Spanish, la gripe means "the flu." I like their word for it better; it seems more menacing or threatening somehow. So for now, la gripe has me confined to the house. I cannot let it go on too long as Ma and Pa Featherstone arrive in just a week!!

That's all for now.



  1. Feel better Amber! Everyone here is sick, too. Hey maybe you could bring back the moth minster and, if you're super nice, it'll make you some soup?

  2. I hope you feel better. Have a good Thanksgiving with the parents!


My Schedule of Visitors and Trips