Thursday, December 1, 2011

My super wonderful and supportive parents came to visit over the week of Thanksgiving. It was their first time in Latin America and I think they handled it splendidly! I played tour guide all week, and have been told I lead an excellent tour. We saw the beaches, wild animals, day to day life in San Jose, a coffee plantation, and a volcano (sort of...) Below is our vacation "slide-show." Disfruta! (Enjoy!)

Sally May the Hyundai (that's the car's name) is packed full and we are off to the town of Quepos and the beaches at Manuel Antonio National Park! 

After a mostly easy drive (I only hit 952 pot holes) we stop on a cliff with a wonderful view of the Pacific Ocean. 

Self portrait:


We had a great time in Manuel Antonio National Park. We got to see lots of monkeys, raccoons, frogs, and a pizote. I have a great shot of Mom with her coconut drink after exiting the park. But since we were "roughing it" that day, I promised not to post any photos. So, here's the pizote instead, because I know you are wondering what the heck that is. Google it.
We left Quepos and Manual Antonio and stopped to ride an aerial tram through the rain forest. It was a very interesting view of the forest, but, alas, no wildlife was to be found. They're smart and stay away from the stupid tourist with cameras. 

Dad is a big coffee drinker. So for his birthday I took him to the Cafe Britt coffee plantation for a tour. It was really interesting to see how coffee is grown and learn more about the history of coffee. Here we are in front of some brewer-roaster thingy. In hindsight I realize I should have gotten a photo of us in the coffee fields. That would be have been much more interesting...


 On their last full day in Costa Rica, we got in the car and headed for Poas Volcano. It is supposed to be an easy drive from San Jose. And it is, in theory. However, the roads were so riddled with pot holes that I spent the hour drive playing a game of frogger with the giant craters. Not fun. We made it to the park and were told that the crater was clouded over. We didn't believe the guy, so we paid to go in. This is a photo of me in front of the crater. Isn't it pretty? (I'm being sarcastic here folks. Obviously the guy was right about the whole cloudy business..)

So that's the tale of Ma and Pa Featherstone's adventures in Costa Rica! I'm back on tour guide duty next week when my best friend Byron and his wife come. Here's to more adventures!


1 comment:

  1. Fun! Henry would like one pizote for Christmas so please put that in one of your bags for the flight home. I'm sure it won't result in a Brokedown Palace-like situation...

    Also, I can't believe a crock pot is $50...geez!


My Schedule of Visitors and Trips