Monday, May 7, 2012

My Local Store

While there are way too many cars on the roads in Costa Rica, the reality here still is that most people don't drive. Most walk or take the bus to get to work, the grocery store, etc. Due to this non-driving culture (which is completely opposite of our drive everywhere culture in the US,) all neighborhoods have little convenience stores peppered every few blocks so that they are easily accessible to everyone.

There are pulperias - very small stores that sell a variety of odds and ends. These are usually quite tiny and run out of someone's home or in a very small store front. There's no browsing here. You go because you forgot milk or you need an egg, or a button, or something else random that does not constitute the need for a bus ride or long walk to the grocery store.

Then, there are supers. I'm not sure why they are called supers...maybe for super mercado? But these aren't big either. Think of like your local convenience store. They have coolers with drinks and some food items, a few veggies, canned food, snacks, toilet paper, diapers, shampoo, etc. There's a little more browsing to be done here, but still the selection is not large.

In the last few months, I've taken to walking a block from my apartment to my local super. Everyone around here calls it "the chino" because, well, it's run by Asian folks. (I'm not really sure if they are Chinese, so we'll just call them Asian.) In fact, a lot of the supers in this country are run by Asians. It is similar to how most of the nail salons in the US are run by Asians. (Here in CR, they are run by Ticos...) Ok, I digress...

So I really like going to my neighborhood chino. The family that runs it is always super friendly and nice. It's a great place to pick up an onion, or a diet coke, or some cookies. And, it's nice to get out and walk a little every now and then. (Don't worry Mom, it's safe!)

Below is a picture of my chino - which is named Super Manfred. (That may be another reason I like it. The name Manfred is fun to say, and I am pretty sure that none of the Asian folks there are named Manfred...) I realize that it looks a little dilapidated and kind of scary with the bars and razor wire. But it's a nice little store and a nice addition to my evening routines sometimes.


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