Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lo siento!!! (I am sorry!!!)

If you're still out there following my as of late poor excuse for a blog, I owe you a big apology! I think I just got into the routine of every day life here and forgot to keep you informed of my adventures! There weren't many adventures to be had between January to March, but I could have been sharing every day things about my life.

So again, I am sorry! I am going to make it a point to be better about updating the blog. So, if you're still out there reading, thank you and hang in there with me!

I've just returned back to Costa Rica after being away for a month for work travels. It was nice to get back "home" and not be living out of a suitcase. And while Costa Rica will never be my true "home," it is where I currently live and where my life is for now. I'm glad that I am feeling settled enough to be happy about coming back. It's a nice feeling.

Until my next post...


1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Can't wait to read about more Costa Rican adventures!



My Schedule of Visitors and Trips