Monday, September 10, 2012

Another Birthday Abroad

I'm older again today...And, I celebrated another birthday in Costa Rica. I have to say, I wasn't looking forward to it. Things like birthdays and holidays bring out the homesickness better than anything else. But, I truly have amazing friends and family both in the US, here in CR, and across the globe! I've received so many messages and calls - and they have all meant so very much to me. Not to mention the fact that my amigas in the office are always so wonderful to me and take such good care of me! Everyone in my life has made this a really special day. And to that, I say thank you, gracias, merci, salamat, and kia ora! I'm one very lucky girl!

So, here's to another year of adventures and to just going along with whatever life brings me and wherever it wants to take me!


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