Friday, September 16, 2011

Feliz Día de Independencia

September 15th is Independence Day in Costa Rica. This year the country celebrated it's 190th birthday. Now, I am no historian, but the story goes something like this:

In 1821, Costa Rica declared its independence from Spain along with the rest of Central America. News of independence, which took over a month, was spread from Guatemala south.  So, each year, a flaming torch is run from Guatemala all the way to Cartago, the former capital of Costa Rica. On the night of the 15th, the entire country stops at 6:00 pm to sing the national anthem and then there are lantern parades throughout the country. On the 16th, all towns celebrate Independence day with parades, cultural events, and more.

I was lucky to be invited to Alajuela (a town west of San Jose) to celebrate Independence Day with Catalina, her nieces, and her mother. We went into the town to watch the parade. The parade was made up of school groups dancing and playing instruments - especially drums. There was lots of Costa Rican pride with most people sporting red, white, and blue - the colors of the flag. Catalina's nieces looked especially cute in their typical Costa Rican dresses!

The bands were really rockin', so I took a video. It's a bit long, but enjoy!

After the parades we went to a restaurant that serves typical Costa Rican food. Yum!!

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my first Costa Rican Independence Day. But in typical Amber fashion, as soon as I arrived home, another interesting adventure ensued...


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