Monday, September 26, 2011

Is it raining there?

This is the question that I get asked most whenever I talk to folks back home. (And no Dad, it's not just you!) It does rain here, almost every day. It's the "rainy season" after all! However, it's not quite as bad as how my friend Jenna has described Seattle to be at times.  To give you an example, I took some photos of the mountains from my office window over the course of the day. (Yes, I have a beautiful view from the window when it is sunny!)

 Typically, when I wake up in the morning, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. I can see the mountains clearly from my window.

Usually by mid-morning, it becomes "partly-cloudy" and the clouds start rolling in over the mountains. 

By lunch-time, it is pretty grey outside and you can tell the rain is coming soon...

And usually by mid-afternoon the rain has arrived in varying degrees. Sometimes it is short and my drive home is dry. Sometimes it is a deluge that lasts most of the evening.

The good news is that my parking space at home and at the office are covered, so I'm not too stressed if/when I forget my umbrella! So far, this "rainy season" is pretty bearable. However, I am told that October just flat out sucks (for lack of a better way to put it.)

So, is it raining here? Yes - daily. But, it's not so bad!


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