Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Earthquake!!!! Or not...

Just this morning I was thinking about the probability of experiencing my first earthquake while in Costa Rica. I wondered if I would completely freak out or handle it with ease. Apparently, the way I handle an earthquake is by not even knowing it happened!!

Right before I left NC, an earthquake struck Virginia that could be felt all the way in Chapel Hill. I was in the office, talking with a colleague and I MISSED IT! Everyone was a buzz with the earthquake and how it felt. I was there, and I totally missed it. Maybe it was because I was standing up and not at a desk where I could feel things shake? Alas, I missed my "test run" before moving to a place that has frequent earthquakes...

Then today, late this afternoon, it happened again. And again, I MISSED IT!! Seriously? How does that happen? I was at my desk, rocking out to my music with my headphones on, working away. Krisya sent me a Skype message that said "Did you feel that?" Did I feel what!? Apparently an earthquake hit that made the building sway, but did not shake things on the desk. And...I've got nothing...

Maria thinks I need to get my inner-ear balance mechanism thingy checked. I have to agree. But, I suppose being completely oblivious to an earthquake is better than freaking out about one.  For now, I have yet to really experience my first earthquake. I'll keep you posted!


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