Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bogota Recap

I spent last week in Bogota, Colombia for work. In between the working, we were able to find a few minutes here and there to sight see. Bogota is not at all what you expect. The drugs, men with guns, and violence have all subsided in the last decade. What is left is an absolutely beautiful city with wonderful shopping, restaurants, and great historical sites. Really, a visit to Bogota will shatter any and all preconceived notions you may have.

Krisya and I arrived in Bogota a day early to try to catch some of the sights. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating. We managed to make the journey to Monserrate. Monserrate is an active Catholic Church that sits atop on of the high cliffs surrounding the city. Krisya and I took the funicular up the mountain and wandered around the top. The weather wasn't great, but I managed to get a few good pictures.

A self-photo of Krisya and I. 

Panoramic of a view from the top! If it weren't so cloudy, this would be a way better picture. 

A storm was obviously rolling in, so Krisya and I made our way down the hill. At the bottom, we met a very nice looking Llama. Krisya had her photo taken with the well behaved animal first. When it was my turn however, Mr. Llama decided he wanted to eat me. Hence the surprised look on my face.

The week was spent working. But on our last day we had time to go down town before our flight left. We visited Plaza Bolivar, the Gold Museum, and lots of great shops.

The plaza:

Krisya and Kevin in front of the cathedral in Plaza Bolivar:

The trip was great, but exhausting! Only 2 weeks until I am off to NC again! :)


1 comment:

  1. Henry says he wants you to bring him a pet llama when you come home! He's a very demanding baby! Haha! Can't wait to see you!


My Schedule of Visitors and Trips