Friday, October 7, 2011

That's SIR Featherstone to you!

Some of you know that I am frequently referred to as "Sir Featherstone" or "Mr. Featherstone" via email quite frequently. This is due to the fact, as I have been told, that Amber is not a very common name outside of the US. Furthermore, I have even been told it is a name used for guys in the Philippines. It never offends me; it only makes me laugh! Well, I am happy to say that "Mr. Featherstone" has made an appearance in Bogota this week. Sure they called me "Mr." and sure they mispelled my name, but at least this time the errors came with a free beer! Now, if only I had a free beer for everytime someone referred to me as "Mr." or "Sir"...

Sir Featherstone

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