Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A small victory!

Buenas noches from Bogota, Colombia! I arrived in Bogota today for a week long interview trip. My colleague Krisya and I came a day early to do a little sightseeing. It was a bit rainy today, hopefully tomorrow will be better. However, today I had a small victory in my journey to navigating Latin America! As in any country, when I entered Bogota I had to go through immigration. Last December when I came, the immigration officer took my passport and asked me if I spoke English. I frowned, and shook my head. The immigration officer frowned and shook his head, stamped my passport and waved me through. But today....I navigated the entire process and questions in Spanish! He asked me why I came, how long I was staying, where I was traveling, and the name of my hotel. And not only did I understand all of his questions, but I answered them in Spanish! Victory! I had a serious urge to fist pump the air and scream "YES!" as I waked away from immigration. I restrained myself because this isn't a place to draw attention to oneself. They probably would have thought I was so excited because I was doing something illegal. Has anyone seen any episodes of "Locked Up Abroad?" It's no joke here... So that is my story for today. A small little victory in my assimilation to my new language. Now, let's see if I can do it again when I go back to Costa Rica! More from Bogota soon! <3, Amber

1 comment:

  1. Stop watching Locked Up Abroad! Have fun in Colombia and stay safe! - Pam


My Schedule of Visitors and Trips