Monday, October 24, 2011

Attack of the Giant Moth!

The title of this post sounds like a B-Horror Movie. It very well could be one. And if it is not, it should be!

Anyways, sometime this morning in the wee hours I wandered to my kitchen for some water. As I passed my guest bedroom I could hear flapping and see the shadow of something quite large in the room. Fearing for my life, I closed the door to the bedroom and tried desperately to forget whatever it was that awaited me in the morning.

Well, Monday mornings are tough enough. Who needs to deal with a flapping bird monster on a Monday morning?? So, I left the door closed all day hoping that whatever was in there would just disappear somehow. Alas, I was not so lucky.

When I returned home, I mustered up all of my courage and carefully opened the bedroom door. There was no flapping...That's a good sign right? I walked in and closed the door behind me and turned on the light. Still nothing. I scanned the ceiling...nothing. I thought to myself "YES! It DID disappear." Silly girl...

As I turned to leave I saw it. It is quite possibly the world's largest moth, just chilling in the corner of the ceiling. It scared the bejeezus out of me!! So, I did what any strong independent girl would do...I screamed and ran and shut the door behind me!

Meet the intruder...

Now, I realize that this photo looks nothing like a big ol' donkey sized giant moth. But trust me, it is HUGE! I mean, It's got a bigger wingspan than most birds. This is not the "beat it with a magazine" type of moth. I don't even think a dictionary would phase it. Not to mention the possible mess involved....

So what the heck do I do now? Leave it locked in there to die or find it's way back out of the window? I am certainly NOT going to try to swat it with a broom - it will attack me for sure! So, unless someone comes up with a good idea...the intruder stays until it just disappears. (Wishful thinking?)

All moth exterminating ideas are welcome. In the meantime, I leave for NC in 5 days! I think I'll just ignore it. If it is still there when I return, I guess I have to name it or something.

See you soon NC!

Tonight as I was trying to gently retrieve a suitcase from the closet in the room with the moth he got spooked and actually flew out the window! Hooray for both of us!!

1 comment:

  1. Stephen will kill you if you kill that moth. Do you have a window in your guest room? If so, you should just open it and maybe it'll fly out. Otherwise, I suggest trapping it and bringing it home to Stephen (it's not illegal to transport animals across country lines is it???). Maybe you shouldn't do that either since I don't want a Brokedown Palace type of situation for you...


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