Monday, February 13, 2012

4:55 am Wake-up Call!

Well, it has finally happened. I finally experienced an earthquake here in Costa Rica that I was actually aware of! This morning, at 4:55 am to be exact, I woke up suddenly and realized that my bed and everything else was shaking. EARTHQUAKE!! Luckily, I was half-way in sleepy la-la land so it didn't freak me out quite as much as I expected it to. Had it been in the middle of the day, I probably would have run out of building screaming. But, I sat up, thought "hmmm that's an earthquake," and then I went back to sleep.

The quake hit about 60 miles southwest of San Jose off the coast of Quepos (one of my favorite Amber Tours destinations.) It registered about a 6 on the Richter scale. Luckily, even though it was strong, there hasn't been and damage reported across the country.

So, while it was an interesting experience, I hope that Earth was releasing some much needed pressure so that a bigger one doesn't hit soon!


PS - On a completely unrelated note, I found myself in the grocery store this afternoon trying to figure out how to say in Spanish to the cashier: "What happened? It looks like Valentine's Day threw up in here..."

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