Friday, February 10, 2012

Not quite what I was expecting...

A few weeks ago I discovered a burger joint across the street from my office that is owned by a guy from the US. My colleague and I went one day and the burgers were fantastic! While there, I noticed they had corn dogs on their menu.

So today, since it was Friday and had been a long week, I decided a corn dog was just what was needed to end my week. Well, as with most "US" foods made outside of the US, my corn dog just wasn't quite what I was expecting. While it looks pretty scary, it didn't taste much like anything. It was an overall disappointment.

When you live away from home for too long, you really start to miss foods that you are familiar with or that just taste like home. This was my attempt to have a little piece of home today. I should have known it wouldn't be as yummy as I was hoping. Oh well, like I said, they make a decent burger which is another difficult thing to find in this country.



  1. That is so disturbing looking! Where's a Cookout when you need one!

  2. Corn dogs are gross anyway, just stick with the burger!

  3. Ewww... :(
    Here is my favorite corn dog recipe, if you want to try to make them:


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