Friday, February 17, 2012


When I was first thinking of moving to Costa Rica, I asked my manager: "What is cheaper there?" She had to think for a minute, and then listed the following: having a maid and getting your nails done. I have to say that I wasn't very impressed. In the US I rarely had my nails done, and I'd never had a maid. So, at the time, I didn't think that these "cheaper" items were really going to affect me all that much.

In the US, most middle class families don't have maids. We're taught to clean the house ourselves and to be proud of it. But I discovered a few weeks into my stay here that cleaning a Tico apartment was not really an easy task. Due to the lack of carpet, cleaning the floors takes more than just a sweep over with the vacuum cleaner. It requires a lot of sweeping and then following that up with mopping. And unless you do this frequently, your floors are dusty and you must resort to wearing "house shoes" at all times to avoid your feet from getting dirty. Yep, I wear house an old lady...

So after a few consecutive weekends of 2-3 hours of just floor cleaning, I resigned myself to the house shoes and decided clean floors just weren't in the cards for me here. So, then my cleaning spurts became fewer and further between. And then with my traveling schedule, the floors really just became an afterthought. But upon returning after Christmas I knew I had to take the time to really clean them again...or...I could pay someone to do it!

It was hard for me to hire someone to clean my apartment. I felt guilt for not doing it myself, and it also felt a little weird to have a stranger clean up after me. But, when in Rome...

I've had the girl from our office clean my place twice now, and I must say it is worth every penny! For only 12 bucks (I apparently am overpaying here) she cleans the floors, bathrooms, kitchen, and dusts!! 12 bucks!! And if I wanted her to, she would do laundry and other tasks as well.

After having it done twice, I am officially spoiled. And for that price, how can I pass it up?? So, if you ask me if I am integrating myself into the culture here, I guess this is a good example of one way in which I am!



  1. Do you think she will come here and also clean my house??? I'm having trouble keeping up with Henry. Maybe she will change dirty diapers too??? Haha! With your fancy car and maid, you could probably audition for Real Housewives of Costa Rica...

  2. Oh chica, I miss the days when all I had to do was to think about the lunch menu or to pick with sheets I wanted in my bed that night. The good ol' days...With that said, enjoy and don't feel bad. In Brazil is part of the culture as well, and if you don't have a maid, you are one. PammyGail, I am loving the idea for a RHCR. ;)


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